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Memories and Southern Ways


Welcome to this week's blog. We're not featuring one restaurant this week, we're going to take a trip down memory lane and a look into the future.

Columbus County is full of southern traditions and southern tradition indicates we plan events around food. In all honesty food drives so much here in Columbus County. Homecomings at so many churches are a chance to taste time honored family traditions, a new baby welcomed to the family will bring meals to your door, a death in your family will bring well meant condolences with much food, graduation-you guessed it food, and if you're leaving Columbus County to travel within a couple of hours chances are you're going to travel with some local fare to be shared upon arrival. We love food and we want to share our food treasures. At last count Whiteville alone had over fifty restaurants, not to mention the great restaurants found throughout Columbus County.

There was a post recently on Facebook that invited people to share their favorite food places and memories, past and present. It was amazing to read! For our locals there were memories of many restaurants our younger generation would not recognize...Heart of Whiteville Hotel & Restaurant, Charco-Burger, Tastee Freeze, Dairy Queen, Little Mint, Randy's, The Fish House, Mamma Rita's, Snoopy's Pizza, Warner's Grill, Doc's Grill in Tabor City, Starlite, Arp's Grill in Lake Waccamaw, Parker's Grill in Bolton and the list could go on. The amazing part of reading the Facebook posts was not the names of the restaurants which no longer exist but the memories flooding everyone's mind as they responded and read the posts. Married couples met for the first time, people returned to the area from school, businesses opened after others closed, parents dined in certain restaurants on certain days, and the memories continued in rich detail. Southerners are tied to their community by many things and food is definitely an emotional anchor.

Many of the restaurants which have closed are now home to some of our favorites. Mamma Rita's former building now is home to Anthony's Italian Restaurant. Warner's Grill's building is now home to The Donut Shop. Favorites which have been here for many years were mentioned by several; What-A-Burger, Penn's Grill, Ward's Grill, Pizza Village, Fowler's Grill, Southern Table Restaurant, Ed's Grill, and Jerry's just to name a few. The post did not venture into our sweet treat favorites and we have those! SweeDeePie Cheesecakes offer delicious cheesecakes in amazing flavors, Darel's Bakery & Sweets have scrumptious croissants; while PiggyPies Bake Shop is a speciaity bakery specializing in gourmet cupcakes, French macarons and so much more. The residents of Columbus County and our guests are busy making our own memories tied to the food we love and our favorite restaurants.

Bring up the subject of food and you will entice those you are speaking with to share their favorites and memories. I've learned much over the past few weeks. Ward's Grill hamburgers were served by a local bride's family at the end of the wedding evening. The burgers were a "midnight snack" so to speak. The couple married, a nice dinner was served, dancing and celebration followed and before the guests departed, they were bid farewell with beautiful trays full of the delicious scent only a Ward's burger can provide. Groom celebrating upcoming wedding nuptials with a golf game with his groomsmen? Not a problem, Ward's burgers to the rescue breakfast. Do you need a full meal to feed a crowd in a hurry? Never fear, Joe's Barbecue will come through for you with chicken, barbecue and the sides. Seeking fine dining? We have that covered as well. The Chef and The Frog is casual fine dining at its best. Chef Sokun offers European cuisines with a twist of Asian and southern flair.

But, wait that's not all! We have more restaurants preparing to open. Anthony's owner Tony Grippi is busy remodeling the former Southern Kitchen building in Downtown Whiteville for his new restaurant The Steakhouse on Madison. A remodel is also taking place in the former Kramer's Men's Shop for an upscale soul food restaurant and there is talk of more!

While our traditions and love of food may seem strange to some, it's part of being in a place you love. It's also a little surprising to learn if you step outside of your comfort zone and allow yourself to explore all of the restaurants in Columbus County you would never have to eat at the same place twice in the same week for an entire year and there would be restaurants to spare! Go for it! Meet new people and try new things, your taste-buds will thank you!

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